Главная Water Wise Dry Seasons: What You Need to Know Dry Seasons: What You Need to Know Dry Seasons: What You Need to Know Mesa Water supports the statewide effort to encourage all Californians to use water wisely. Mesa Water District (Mesa Water) is dedicated to the efficient management of water resources to ensure water reliability in our service area. Mesa Water has an abundant supply of water due to long-term investments in water sources and infrastructure, so that water is available when and where our customers need it. Between the Orange County Water District’s (OCWD) expert management of the Orange County Groundwater Basin (Basin) and the Groundwater Replenishment System, which helps refill the Basin – along with the Mesa Water Reliability Facility, our customers always have several years’ supply of 100% local, reliable, clean, safe, groundwater in storage. OCWD provides 77% of the water served by Mesa Water – and the Mesa Water Reliability Facility provides the rest and can serve up to 50% of our community’s water needs if needed. Mesa Water has a 100% local water supply and hasn’t imported water for 10 years! Committed to Ongoing Water Use Efficiency Efforts Using water efficiently is a way of life and an important responsibility that comes along with the benefits of living in a Mediterranean-like climate that residents in the Mesa Water service area enjoy. Outdoors is where customers use the most water, so efficient outdoor water use is where customers can make the greatest impact because it’s difficult to capture and recycle outdoor water use. Whereas, most of the water Mesa Water customers use indoors is recycled. Plant California-friendly trees and plants: It saves 30-60 gallons per 1,000 sq. ft. each day you water. Adjust sprinkler heads and fix leaks: It saves 12-15 gallons each time you water. Invest in a smart sprinkler timer: Using a smart sprinkler timer can help save up to 13,500 gallons of water a year. Report Water Waste: Report water waste to your local water provider. Thanks to our customers’ efficient water use, during the last statewide drought emergency, Mesa Water exceeded our state mandated 20 percent conservation without raising rates and negative impacts to our financial standing. For additional tips, visit MesaWater.org/BeMesaWaterWise. Investments In Our Infrastructure Mesa Water is committed to ongoing investments in our infrastructure to ensure local reliability because the best way to mitigate dry seasons is to increase water supply. We are completing the construction of two news wells and a pipeline to connect the wells to our main distribution system to increase our local groundwater production capacity. Thanks to investments like these, and other local reliability projects, Mesa Water is confident that its supplies will continue to meet the water needs of its service area during recurring droughts. Water Use Efficiency Tips For water use efficiency tips, rebates and more, visit MesaWater.org/save-water. Also, be sure to connect with us on social media @MesaWater on Facebook and Instagram. Report Water Waste Report water waste in the Mesa Water service area by completing the online form so that our staff can help address the issue. Water Resources Several resources are available to keep you up to date on drought conditions: BeWaterWise.com California Department of Water Resources Home Water Works Orange County Water District OC Public Works Save Our Water Be Mesa Water Wise How You Can Save Water Landscape and Gardening Rebates and Incentives Water Conservation Requirements Water Smart Education and Outreach Dry Seasons: What You Need to Know