All water produced and delivered by Mesa Water District meets or surpasses standards for public drinking water established by the Department of Water Resources and the Environmental Protection Agency.
Over 30,000 samples are collected each year at wells, reservoirs and throughout the water system. The samples are then tested online, onsite by certified operators, or in State certified laboratories, and the results are published in the District's annual Water Quality Report.
Water Quality Report Video
Tracy Manning, MPA, Mesa Water Water Operations Manager shares where our clean, safe and affordable water comes from, and the importance of a great resource – our annual water quality report.
Water Quality Report
The 2024 Water Quality Report provides water quality and supply information about your drinking water. It explains where your water comes from, what it contains, and how it compares to federal and state regulatory standards.
Public Health Goals Report
Public water systems in California serving greater than 10,000 connections are required by law to prepare a report containing information on 1) detection of any contaminant in drinking water at a level exceeding a Public Health Goal (PHG), 2) estimate of costs to remove detected contaminants to below the Public Health Goal using best available technology, and 3) health risks for each contaminant exceeding a Public Health Goal. This report must be made available to the public every three years.