Staff Splash: Meet Camille Shehadeh, IPMA-SCP
Posted: Tuesday, December 28, 2021
Camille Shehadeh, human resources analyst at Mesa Water, helps recruit top talent to work at Mesa Water.
Q: What would people find surprising about your job?
A: We are very data-driven in Human Resources. We are always looking for ways to improve our processes by measuring our performance on various outcomes.
Q: What is your favorite thing about Mesa Water?
A: Being a part of an award-winning water district that not only takes a lot of pride and care in the service they provide to the public, but also in how employees are treated and supported.
Q: What impresses you about Mesa Water?
A: The technology and innovation that Mesa Water uses to ensure our customers have an abundance of local, clean, safe, and reliable water is very impressive.
Q: What is your favorite inspirational book?
A: “Daring Greatly” by Brené Brown. Brené Brown conducts research about the power of vulnerability and the important role it can play in one’s work and personal life.
Staff Splash is a new recurring feature in News on Tap. Look forward to meeting more Mesa Water employees in future issues.