Reservoir Upgrades Project Underway

Posted: Sunday, September 1, 2024

Reservoir 1 Construction in 1988
Reservoir 2 Construction in 1992

One of Mesa Water’s Strategic Plan goals is to perpetually renew and improve our infrastructure. Investments in infrastructure maintenance and renewal are less costly than emergency repairs, which helps protect customers from rate volatility.

The Reservoir Upgrades Project will allow Mesa Water to help manage peak water demands by storing up to an additional 11 million gallons of water at two reservoirs. The project will replace pumps, generators and motors, add new infrastructure to pumping systems and make upgrades to the reservoir management system.

During times of the day when system usage is low, the reservoirs are filled. During periods of above average or peak use, the reservoirs empty. In addition to daily use, the reservoirs provide emergency water storage. During an emergency, water demand may exceed production; continuous local storage helps safeguard adequate supplies for such an event.

Construction at Reservoir 2, located under Lindbergh Park, began in June and is expected to be completed by Summer 2025. Divers were recently sent into Reservoir 2 to install new equipment, so stay tuned to our social media @MesaWater to watch the dive footage.

Construction on Reservoir 1, currently a 10-million-gallon reservoir at Mesa Water’s headquarters, is scheduled to begin in Fall 2024 and be completed by the end of 2025.

The Reservoir Upgrades Project is part of Mesa Water’s $70 million Capital Improvement Project Renewal Program.