Mesa Water Notify
Receive Service Updates in Real Time
When there's an interruption in your water service, we know how important it is for you to have the most up-to-date information. Mesa Water Notify is a secure notification service for customers to receive water service interruption or other news in Mesa Water’s service area.
Notifications include but are not limited to: water service interruptions, construction or maintenance, traffic delays, etc. Updates will be provided as they become available, including estimated times to repair, and when water service is restored. Please note that service updates may affect only portions of a street or neighborhood, so you may receive an alert even if you are not experiencing a water interruption. Customers have the option of receiving notifications via texts, emails, or voice messages.
Mesa Water customers will receive notifications automatically, with the option to opt-out or customize their settings or preferences at any time.
For more information, please contact Mesa Water Public Affairs at 949.631.1201 or info@mesawater.org.